Pimp Hall Ponds
The nature reserve has two ponds that support a variety of different species. Expect to see dragonflies and damselflies hovering over the dipping pond and keep a look out for newts and grass snakes too.
The dipping pond is accessible via a small boardwalk during supervised sessions during the year.
The wildlife pond is tucked away towards the back of the reserve. Due to the water level becoming low it was decided in 2017 to re-establish the pond. Work started in August to fit a liner and create a boggy area. A quieter and less disturbed area will provide habitat for species like grass snake and bats that frequent the reserve.
Pond plants such as Bogbean, Water mint and Starwort have been planted in the pond.
Huge thanks to the volunteers from the Friends Group and TCV Green Gym.
Huge thanks to the volunteers from the Friends Group and TCV Green Gym.
Wildlife Pond taken April 2023.