Exciting news for Pimp Hall Park & Nature Reserve!
- The play area improvements are complete! The park was allocated 70k by Waltham Forest Council to improve the play area. A consultation was carried out and works started on the 16th June 2015. It took 5 weeks for the works to be completed. If you would like to tell us what you think of the play area, do get in touch via the contact form or email [email protected].
- The Friends Group were successful in their 2015 Ward Funding bid and the Park now has a new community notice board!
- Pimp Hall Nature Reserve has been awarded £22,300 by the Heritage Lottery Fund for a range of improvements. These include the planting of a wildflower meadow, work to the ponds and training to enable volunteers to take part in a range of tasks to help manage the site. Visit the nature reserve page to find out more!